
Calving season May 2021 was my first month being a reindeer herder.

Later that year at Christmas time, I wanted to adopt a reindeer for my nephew Daley and for my niece Joelle in the Netherlands, but who to choose from all those hundred and fifty nice reindeer in the Cairngorms?

I mostly liked the name Cowboy. Named after a cowboy hat (calving theme in 2021) but also keeping the name animal related. Cowboy’s mum was Pony and Cowboy’s sister is named Turtle (after the bean). A cowboy is not only a person who takes care of cattle, but in movies he is described as a bit of a hero or maybe even a bit of a naughty person in a nice kind of way. Reindeer Cowboy, was a gorgeous dark colored calf and he (now 3 and a half years old) is still very handsome. I decided to adopt him for my nephew Daley. Next week’s blog will be about Beret, my chosen reindeer for my niece Joelle.

Beret on the left and Cowboy on the right – the chosen reindeer for adoption!

Here some lovely photos of Cowboy growing up:

Mum Pony (with her mouth full!) and newborn Cowboy!
Cowboy aged 4 months old – September 2021
Cowboy on a frosty morning – December 2021
Cowboy – December 2021
Cowboy – February 2022
Cowboy with one antler – March 2022
Cowboy growing his new set of antlers and losing his winter coat – June 2022
Cowboy still looking very scruffy but with bigger antlers then the previous pic – July 2022
Cowboy in November 2022 in the woods adjacent to the Paddocks. He grew a very funny set of antlers in 2022, a pointy V (peace sign) sticking out in front of his face on his left antler.
Cowboy in September 2023 – what a handsome boy!

Cowboy spent time at the farm in Glenlivet last summer (2023) and grazing on the free-range over the winter months.

This summer he spent a lot of time in our hill enclosure and it’s nice to see him more often on the Hill Trips. He also loves getting hand feed!

Cowboy looking for more hand feed, September 2024

I’ve spotted him fast asleep not long ago, dreaming I’m sure.. rolling his eyes and twisting his legs. I took my chance to quietly sit next to him for a minute, thinking he would walk away as soon as he woke up and realized someone was sitting next to him. However, he opened his eyes, looked at me, changed position and went back to sleep! Dreaming about food?!

Cowboy dreaming!


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