October has flown by in a whirl of breeding bulls, flirting cows, busy Hill Trips with the October school holidays, and carrying huge amounts of feed on the hill to feed the high number of reindeer in the enclosure! With three breeding bulls running, plus our non-breeding group which we take our visitors to, it’s a lot of mouths to feed! We’ve also had reindeer down in the woods here in Glenmore so we can train calves to walk on a halter and we did manage a bit of sleigh training before the holidays.
The reindeeer look fantastic at this time of year with fresh winter coats and full grown antlers. Hopefully you enjoy looking through this month’s photos!
3rd of October: The gorgeous Popsicle! She is part of our non-breeding free ranging group at the moment.3rd of October: This little lad is so bold! He belongs to Torch and often comes marching over demanding more food.7th of October: Arta chilling out after a Hill Trip.7th of October: Morven and her mother Spy behind. Both with very spiky antlers!7th of October: Torch is a phenomenal mum! Here she is making sure her calf (who also features above) is looking good for our visitors.8th of October: This little lass is getting so tame! Her mum is Cheer, who is quite a shy reindeer.10th of October: Little and large! One year old Amazon stood next to five year old Athens. 7th of October: Breeding bull Jimmy with some of his cows behind.9th of October: A lot of rain and a very full Allt Mor. Too wet to take and pics of reindeer today!1th of October: Butter being led off the hill after being a main breeding bull by Andi, Fi, and Hen. He was a great bull and fairly well-behaved throughout!14th of October: Dr Seuss feeling snoozy after a hand feeding session.15th of October: Poirot and Clouseau having a rest together after a Hill Trip. Both born in 2018 and named after inspectors and detectives.16th of October: Brie’s and Florence’s calves hanging out together.19th of October: Suebi and Scully having a gentle battle.20th of October: A very wet morning! It was so wet and windy that we brought the herd into the first part of the enclosure so our visitors didn’t have to work so far.20th of October: The sun came out in the afternoon for a few moments – here’s Pip’s calf with her epic antlers!21st of October: Holy Moley, HM, or Her Majesty, as she sometimes is known to the herders.24th of October: Feeding Kernel and his girls from afar. Here they are running up to the feed line.
2 Replies to “Photo Blog: October 2024”
Lovely set of photos and really hoping we can get up there from Suffolk to see them all next year!
Lovely set of photos and really hoping we can get up there from Suffolk to see them all next year!
Loving every lovely pictures of reindeer each lovingly named – babies, mithers, and fathers all!!!!