Read more about our project below…
2024 is a very big year for us – we are finally underway building a brand-new Reindeer Centre. The business, operating out of Reindeer House since it was built in 1960, has outgrown its roots, and we’ve been very aware that the Paddock and Exhibition adjacent to Reindeer House (where people unable to go on the Hill Trips could visit a few members of the herd) had become very dated and in need of a major upgrade. The dream of a whole new, fully-accessible and inclusive building, housing the shop and reception area, the office and the educational Exhibition – all under one roof – started to take place.
An extremely generous donation from one of our long-term supporters gave us the motivation needed to get this project up and running, turning the dream into the starts of reality. We began with a long-needed car-park (now nearly completed) and in early January the major project got underway as we tore down most of the old Exhibition. Excitement has been tinged with sadness – 30 years to build the Paddock area into what it had become, and less than a couple of weeks to flatten it entirely.
Actually, ‘flattening’ it is the crux of one of the problems. Our new building is situated between Reindeer House and the old Exhibition shed, and as you may know, the whole site is on a very steep slope. Shoe-horning all the elements we need into such an awkward space is proving a bit of a headache. But the main worry is – predictably – the ever-rising cost. As everyone is only too aware, the price of pretty much everything has sky-rocketed in the last few years, and the whole project is eye-wateringly expensive for a small, family-run business.
Not only have we got the building itself to consider, but all the associated groundworks for the Paddocks, and the other buildings and displays which will be situated there (we can’t leave the elves homeless – they need their Elf House back!). The new Centre is now nearly complete, but we’ll need to kit the whole place out before moving in – ideally with upgraded Exhibition displays. We’re hoping to have everything shiny and new and ready for you in Easter 2025.
Every donation will go towards building an awesome Reindeer Experience for All!