From January to May, our whole herd are out roaming free on the mountains, enjoying the wintry weather that they’re so well-equipped for. Whilst it can be ridiculously wild at times, on other days it is completely still, with glorious sunshine. I thought it would be nice to put up a selection of photos from the last month or two to give you a taste of our winter days…
Oslo leading the herd over for breakfast.Glorious views out over Aviemore on a beautiful day.Camus, Sika, Brie and Bordeaux. Sika’s not sure about what she just ate!Origami and the herd on an icy morning.Ochil wondering if the food is ready yetOkapi has cast the main uprights of her antlers, leaving her looking a bit like a unicorn!Spider has found a nice pool for an after dinner drink.Santana sporting one of her antlers.Handsome Rubiks posing!Pavlova is easily recognised with her white tuft of hair on her forehead.Parmesan with her white face marking, and old lass Fonn in the background.Olympic is always one of the first to see us.LX on a grey day…… and again on a blue sky day!Fonn is the oldest reindeer in the herd, at nearly 17 years old.Ryvita and her calf Berlin.Beautiful Dixie.Dixie, Fly and Lulu, stalwarts of the herd.Young Dante.Camembert, what a star!Brie, Inca and Meadow.We always give the calves some preferential feeding out of the bags – it keeps their condition up and keeps them tame – here’s Bordeaux, Florence, Athens and Texel enjoying a snack.Blyton and Camembert.Baffin.Angua and mum Tap. Both are quite shy reindeer but we’ve put lots of effort into feeding them extra feed each day and their confidence has come on in leaps and bounds.Hen, Lotti and Dave – feeding mission completed!Happy reindeer eating their feed.Celt on a windy day.Little Kiruna.
This week I’d like to talk about Tambourine and her extensive family. Tambourine was born in 2000, in our musical instruments theme. She was a distinctive looking reindeer, slightly on the petite side, with particularly pointy ears. I didn’t know her in her youth, but my memory of her in her latter years was as a rather suspicious lass with plenty of wiles and a furious expression! As a bit of a shier reindeer, she was perhaps not very well known amongst visitors, though she did have an adopter who branded their car with reindeer logos!
Look at those pointy ears!Tambourine with Hobnob as a calf
Tambourine was a prolific breeder, producing 12 calves over the course of her life, many of which have gone on to be good breeding reindeer themselves. Her wild streak has been passed on to her offspring, and we’ve always known that reindeer from her family will need lots of extra bribery and calm gentle handling to win their trust as calves. That said, her sons Allt, Gnu and Ost all went on to be solid, steady Christmas reindeer, not batting an eyelid at crowds and bright lights. Though they never wanted to be stroked!
Handsome Gnu as a two-year-old with his trademark wide simple antlersSweet natured Ost as a three-year-old bull, also sporting a similar style of antlers
Tambourine’s daughters Hobnob, Spy, Rain and Tap have all gone on to become mothers themselves. Hobnob has had three daughters (Swiss, Ocean, and this year’s as-yet-unnamed calf) and a son (Carnethy); and Spy has the same count of three daughters (Morven, Dante, and this year’s calf) and a son (Nok). Rain has reared a son (Koro) and is rearing a daughter this year. And Tap did a great job with her first calf last year, daughter Angua.
Spy with this year’s as-yet-unnamed calfDaughter Rain as a very pretty yearling – a chip off the old block in appearance and characterTambourine’s grandson KoroTambourine’s granddaughter Morven – what a pretty lass!Hobnob and her latest calf
Whilst we ran both Gnu and Ost for one season as breeding bulls, we can’t say for definite that either fathered a calf. They then joined our Christmas team instead – a much more peaceful way of life!
Tambourine’s sisters Lorn and Tuppence were also successful mothers, with many descendants between them, and sister Flake attempted motherhood rather less prolifically, but I think I’ll talk about them another time – otherwise I should have titled this blog ‘Dynasties: Talisker’ and focused on their mum!
Tambourine at nearly 14 years of age, and still in good shape
Tambourine lived to a ripe old age, finally passing away out on the mountains at 17 years old. She surpassed the average lifespan of a reindeer by several years, and leaves behind a strong family line which will hopefully continue for many years to come.
Last week we had a brief thaw of the snow, it’s an awful lot harder to spot the reindeer! The first few photos show how well they blend in with their surroundings in these conditions. Luckily they don’t hide and come running for food whenever we call them and they can hear us, as politely demonstrate here?. Enjoy some photos of our free-ranging herd!
The females kept us waiting last Thursday as they meandered down off the mountains slowly to meet us.Chris leading the likes of Frost, Wapiti, Angua, Fly and Tap in for the final few metres.Fly leading the herd in as she does most days.
Bond’s beard blowing beautifully in the breeze.Dave giving the calves their bonus feed.Camouflaged reindeer running down the hillsideReindeer can be quite tricky to spot far away on patchy snow!Chris got fed up of waiting for the reindeer so went to slide down the snowbanks 🙂